(#5) The Collective Shadow

Episode 5 November 23, 2021 00:21:53
(#5) The Collective Shadow
The Spiritual Show
(#5) The Collective Shadow

Nov 23 2021 | 00:21:53


Hosted By

Danielle Grant The Spiritual Room

Show Notes

Let's discuss the collective shadow, what that means, how you may be experiencing it, and how you can rise above it. This episode is relative to the current society climate we are in during this time. At the time of this recording the world is in upheaval, countries have strong mandates, new restrictions are being rolled out that are impacting the freedoms of the collective, and the world feels very chaotic, disruptive, and uncertain at this time. This will be a very important episode for all of us to navigate this time with more ease, grounding, and trust.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] What's going on, you beautiful human? You're listening to the spiritual show podcast from thespiritualroom. Co. This podcast is a space where we blend ancient wisdom with new age teachings around spirituality, awakening, quantum physics, astrology, and more. Join us for weekly episodes where we dive deep into this truth and expand our consciousness as a collective. [00:00:20] Hey, what's going on, you beautiful light being? It's Danielle Grant and I'll be your host on today's spiritual show. Today on our show, we will be discussing the collective shadow, what that means, how you may be experiencing it, and how you can rise above it. This episode is relative to the current society climate we are in during this time. At the time of this recording, the world isn't an upheaval. Countries have strong mandates, new restrictions are being rolled out that are impacting the freedoms of the collective, and the world feels very chaotic, disruptive, and uncertain at this time. This will be a very important episode for all of us to navigate this time with more ease, grounding and trust, not only today, but as we move into the shift of consciousness. Let's rock and roll into this important show today. This podcast is brought to you by the spiritual room. The spiritual room is a high vibe container helping you awaken, deepen, and expand your knowledge of the spiritual self. The spiritual room is your space to feel supported as you awaken to your highest self as we navigate the energies towards the new earth, an earth of higher consciousness. Every month, the spiritual room hosts free and paid offerings to support your spiritual awakening and ascension journey. Head to www dot thespiritualroom dot Co to check out what they have going on this month to help you really understand today's topic of the collective shadow. I want to start by talking about the dark night of the soul or your shadow self, because most people are probably going to be familiar with those two terms, and I'm going to kind of expand on them. So when we talk about this idea of the dark night as the soul or the shadow self, what we have come to learn is that, is that our current experiences become our past experiences, and those past experiences, in essence, become a shadow of our human self, and they are a positive or a negative shadow. But deeper to that, it's not just the shadow of our current human experience, it's the experience of our soul reincarnated time and time again. And that is our dark night of the soul. That is our shadow self. And so if you can expand your mind to understand that you have lived many lifetimes collecting shadows, positive and negative but in the context of this topic, it's in a negative light. So it's the shadow self of you that's negative. It's the shadow self of you that is very limited. And every time you're reincarnated, you bring these shadows into this current life. And actually, the point of that, through a higher perspective, is for you to transcend beyond those. And you're being gifted with a journey in this specific lifetime that's awakening you more now than ever to the understanding that we hold a shadow self. And that your job is to transcend it. Your job is to heal it. Your job is to move beyond it. And by doing that, you transcend the collective energy of the planet, not only as a collective, but as an individual. So we've come to learn this as a very singular aspect of us, that we all hold these shadow selves, which are previous lifetimes and or this current lifetimes, experiences that are working against us, that are a negative energy, that are a dark energy. And some will call these the 3d energy, and it's the very physical, the ego energy that we live within. And so when we talk about this idea of the collective shadow, we are just expanding on this idea of a singular shadow that we hold. And so if you can think about every one of us on planet Earth, which I think is close to 9 billion people in this day and age, there's 9 billion single shadows that are making up a collective shadow. And the cool thing about it, as you'll come to learn, is that that shadow, the collective shadow, is very similar, meaning that your shadow experience is very similar to my shadow experience. And at some point in time, you've lived a certain lifetime, that is a certain lifetime that I've lived. And so we've all actually experienced the same kind of shadows. We're all holding very similar shadow experiences, which means the collective is holding very similar shadow experiences. So when you think about it, think about it like this. I want to give you a good visual so you can really wrap your head around this. [00:04:22] On planet Earth, we've come to learn that there's an atmosphere, and then you can penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and you're into outer space, and it's completely. There's no gravity. There's like, planet Earth is in a little bubble, and we hold our gravity, and that's how it is. If you think about it from a shadow perspective, you think about it of a layer of energy that's surrounding planet Earth. That's 3d, that's low, vibrational, that's limited, that's dark, that's negative, that is penetrating and keeping those shadows on earth. [00:04:50] All of our shadows live in this energy field that's wrapped around earth. So when a higher frequency, a higher consciousness, a higher dimension, a higher frequency tries to penetrate, it has to penetrate through this shield that is on the earth. And that is called our collective shadow. Beyond that shield is infinite. Intelligence is source, is oneness, is neutrality, is none of that. So we as humans, time over time again, have created what we now know as a collective shadow. We all have these experiences that we hold within our vibrational fields that make up a field around earth that penetrate that energy. And we're hearing the shift between the. That's happening now because we're actually starting to penetrate beyond that energetic field that's around Earth. We are starting to actually be able to understand beyond it, and we're healing beyond it, which means you could kind of think of it like little rips and tears in this field that's surrounding Earth, that's allowing higher vibrational frequencies to penetrate through. [00:05:57] But when that happens, what we experience is a shift in our frequency as a physical being. And that is very chaotic. It's very stressful, it's very intense. [00:06:08] And in the current climate that we're in of 2021, we are actually in the collective shadow shifting. And you're hearing a lot of people in the spiritual world and channelers talk about this collective shadow and how it's shifting. And so you need to think about not only is your little shadow shifting as you being this individual, but collectively, we are all shifting this. But more than that, what's happening is that we have awareness around it. We haven't really had a lot of awareness of this understanding of a collective shadow and a 3d reality and negative forces working against us that are basically have kept us in this bubble around planet Earth as higher vibrations have tried to penetrate through it. It couldn't because the collective shadow was asleep, so to speak. We were not awakened. We were not aware to a shadow of us. But over the last really couple decades, we've come to this understanding of a shadow self. And through that awareness, that's what has allowed us to kind of shift that frequency. That was not allowing things to penetrate. So go back to that idea of the little pockets of this shield ripping apart and higher frequency coming in. That is happening because over the last few decades, we've awakened to our singular shadow self, allowing us to look at it, allowing that to actually shift. But in the current climate of 2021, we had a mass awakening of a shadow self. And you're seeing that through political power. You're seeing that through everything. Everything around us seems to be in chaos and seems dysfunctional right now. And that's happening because we have awakened to the collective shadow. Enough of us have started to awaken to, wait a minute here. There's negative stuff going on. There's things that aren't serving me and awakening to this understanding of a shadow self that we're actually starting to vibrate the whole entire thing that's been penetrating planet Earth, and that seems like a very tumultuous experience. And we're in it. We are currently in it. We are being mandated from political energies to do things in our life. Our freedoms are being stifled. And at the core of us, at the pure of consciousness, is freedom. And so when that is being influenced in such a drastic way as we have experienced over the last couple years, it bothers us. And that is actually what is allowing it us to become awakened to the collective shadow. And we don't need to understand everything that's in the collective shadow. We just have to understand that we are awakening to a previous way of living, a previous grid, a previous energy that we were living within, that we no longer want to live in, because consciousness is vibrating higher than that, which means in order for the higher vibrational frequencies to settle in, we have to shake the collective shadow. And it is hardcore. I don't know about you, but me personally, I have, over the last few months, been feeling very intense and hearing some things inside of me that I've been holding onto that don't serve me, and they seem really intense to clear that's happening, because it's not just me clearing that aspect of me. It's a lot of us around the world clearing it. The collective shadow is being cleared right now. It's being awakened. And so I said I was going to help you understand it. So to begin with, I helped you understand that we have a collective shadow. You have a singular shadow that also makes a collective shadow. We've now awakened to something that has been holding us suppressed down. We're not sure necessarily what it is or what the understanding is. You might be brand new to this subject, which is awesome, but we are awakened to it, and so we are experiencing it. In order for a dark room to become light, the light has to penetrate the dark room. That doesn't just happen. We are having that in real time. We are having the light, the consciousness, penetrate these dark forces, these dark energy energies of our shadow self. And it is hardcore, and I say that loosely, because it doesn't need to be hardcore. But the reality is, is that your ego perceives it as being hardcore. So now I want to transition into helping you understand how you can navigate this, because it actually doesn't need to be as hard as we're making it. And a lot of what that comes down to is grounding yourself into the present moment, grounding yourself into understanding what is going on. What is going on is a shift in consciousness. What is going on is a shift between a lower vibrational reality, a lower vibrational grid, that's been keeping us suppressed for thousands of years, for eons. That field is shifting. So if you really wrap your head around that, you have to understand that, like, that is going to be a very big event, but it doesn't need to be like that on a singular level. The more that you ground yourself into the present moment, the more that you look at what you personally need to shift, the more that you begin to develop consistent spiritual practices for yourself, the more that this collective shadow can shift. And so instead of attaching to this idea that, holy, it is bananas out there and it is uncomfortable and it is hard, you want to ground yourself into the understanding that I have way more power than I'm giving myself. And the best thing I can do is not trip myself up in the collective shadow. You can be aware that it's there, but how do I do what I need to do so that the collective shadow can shift? And that looks a lot like sitting down and meditating. That looks a lot like bringing your awareness back to the present moment. That is. Looks a lot like letting go of negative things in your life that you know should not be there. So when we talk about how can you navigate it, you making the decision to calm yourself down, to be aware that this is going on, but to turn inwards and see what you're in control of your day to day is how we navigate this. And the more of us that do that, the faster this energy will shift. It's not going to happen overnight. This is going to be a time period. This could be one 2510 years of clearing this collective shadow. Because going back to the example I gave you of planet Earth, it's a sphere of energy that has been locked, the has been locked around planet Earth and has not allowed any higher vibrational frequencies to really penetrate. But now it's opening, it's cracking. There's cracks in there, which means the more of us that ground ourself in our individual power, the more that that energy isn't going to be able to actually hold onto the grid anymore, because you as an individual are way more powerful than we give credit to. And the collective as a whole. And that's what we're seeing right now in this current climate of protests against mandates and our freedoms, is a collective group of people coming together, and they are transmuting that energy into these cracks of the collective shadow that have been stifling us on planet Earth for so long. And so instead of getting tripped up in what is, be very aware of what is going on, be aware that the planet Earth, Gaia, is clearing herself. And you have a role to play. And that role to play is to get grounded, to turn inwards, to hold yourself in a higher vibration. You don't have to worry about your neighbor or your parents or your sister or anyone around you who might not be as awake as you are right now. All that matters is that you are aware that we are in a collective shadow. We are clearing eons of low vibrational beliefs and lifetimes, and we have cracks in that energy field, and we need to turn inwards individually in order to actually transmute it. And again, it doesn't matter what everyone around you is doing. All that matters is what you're doing. And most recently, I came across this for myself because I was struggling. Why? Some of the people close to me that I love the most weren't grasping this. They were. They were in the chaotic energy. It was really intense in their life. And I would offer, like, hey, maybe you should try to just get grounded or, you know, put pen to paper or maybe, you know, begin a meditation practice or begin to just look at what's going on. And I was immediately met with resistance. And I found myself getting frustrated because it was like, well, this would help you, but they're not ready to hear it yet. But that doesn't mean that the work that I do individually isn't going to help the collective. It actually is going to help the collective more. What won't help the collective is if I get frustrated by that and I allow that to fuel me and take me out of a consistent practice of mindfulness and turning inwards. So instead, it's letting it go and recognizing those people just are not quite ready for this information. However, what I know to be true is that the consciousness is rising, so they will eventually rise within themselves. And the best thing for me to do is to actually turn inwards, to ground myself, to do what I need to do to shift the collective shadow, which is just shifting the shadow within myself, because that is what makes up the collective shadow. So if you're listening to this, you might be feeling like everyone around you thinks you're crazy, or you might feel really isolated and alone because you're understanding this and they're not. Or they're saying what you're trying to do is crazy. That is totally normal. And it's part of the collective shadow, because the collective shadow doesn't want to go away. The collective shadow has thrived on earth and kept us suppressed for so long that it is going to fight tooth and nail to the bitter end to keep us suppressed. And you have to realize that. [00:15:15] But you are in a state right now. We are in a state right now where the consciousness is shifting. The collective shadow has cracks. And the little bit of work that you do for yourself is not little. It's monumental. It's dimensional. It reverberates through these cracks. And the more of us that do that and just worry about ourselves, the faster that we will transcend this collective shadow. This collective shadow, again, is filled with a lot of the similar shadows. There's not a gazillion different kinds of shadows. Yes, of course there is, but they're all very rooted in similar things. So the more of us that just turn inwards and clear our own shadows, the more that we will impact this, because they're all the same shadows, but also realizing and having that awareness that it's gonna be really intense, and it's gonna seem like we have no control, and it's gonna seem like the world is getting really dark and chaotic. That is part of clearing the collective shadow, because the shadow cannot clear unless it sees itself. We are seeing the shadow right now. We are seeing the control that governments have had. We are seeing the control that has been put on us for eons. We're finally seeing it. And in order to clear it, we have to see it, but not getting tripped up in it and what everyone else is doing around you is the greatest work that you can do for yourself right now. And it doesn't need to be intense. It doesn't need to be hardcore. You don't need to go sit in a, you know, a meditation retreat for months on end. You don't need to do that. You just need to be willing to say, what can I do today to move myself forward? What can I do today to let go of something that doesn't serve me? What can I do today to generate more inner peace in myself? What can I do today that allows me to understand more of what's going on. What can I do today for myself to connect more with Mother Nature, to connect more with that rhythmic of the natural source? Those are the kind of questions you want to be asking yourself. And it doesn't need to be perfect every day. It doesn't need to be an hour of meditation every day. It could literally be you going outside for a walk and grounding yourself in the present moment and listening to the birds or feeling the rain on your face, or whatever it is for ten minutes that is allowing you to stand, not in the collective shadow, that's you being in the present moment. The present moment does not live in the collective shadow. And so the more that you do that for yourself, the more that you will transcend the shadow of yourself, which will, in essence, transcend the collective shadow. So this is a topic that I am really passionate about, because as someone who's been following the spiritual awakening for some time now, this is what we've been waiting for, and now we're actually seeing the shadow present itself in real time. We're seeing the disconnect, we're seeing the negativity come up. And from a human perspective, it seems like we have no control. It seems like things are very chaotic and just going sideways, but they're not. They are shifting. And that is why we are finally seeing the shadow. And it's important that we get this message out to people. It's important that you realize everything that you're doing to ground yourself back in the present moment is exactly what you should be doing, and you're doing exactly what you need to be doing just by turning inwards and not worrying about everyone else around you. And if you can stay in that state right now, you will contribute to the shift. In fact, you are contributing to the shift. But being aware of what the collective shadow is, being aware that it is cracking, that it is shaking itself, that we are seeing that shadow is the most important part, because without awareness, we can't move beyond it. And so you're going to find on this podcast, we're going to be talking a lot more about how we can do this during this time, because it's not going to happen in one, one month, two months. It's going to be a little bit of a timeline thing, because we are bound to linear time on the physical reality, but in the outer dimensions, it already exists that the world has transitioned beyond this dark, collective shadow. We're already living in a 5d reality. It's just a matter of us actually being able to clear this collective shadow. To absorb that dimension, absorb that reality as a physical being. And so it will take time. And that is where we, as humans, have to be patient. That is where your most important work is going to come, because you're going to get frustrated when people around you are not, or think you're crazy or are not doing what is in the best interest of themselves. But that doesn't matter, because we are all connective collectively, which is why we're experiencing a collective shadow. And just by you doing what you need to do for yourself, you're impacting it on a much greater level. That will help everyone have this awareness and this awakening so that we can shift the shadow a lot quicker. But the biggest part is just realizing that we are in it and that it seems intense, and that you do have more control than you think. And it doesn't need to be this big crazy thing. It just needs to be something of you turning inwards, paying a little bit more attention to the mindfulness, to the present moment as much as you can during the day, and not worrying about everyone else around you, not worrying about everyone else around you. So again, just reminding you that this is not designed to feel like a breeze and something that's easy. This state that we're in right now is designed to actually shake out the lower vibrational frequency. And it needs to be intense, it needs to be chaotic. Otherwise the energies can't shift, because that's how energy shifts. And so instead of looking at it like it's a negative or it's hardcore, you really want to look at it like a time of transformation, and what a time to be alive, because you are here right now in this physical experience, to be part of this. You signed up for this before you were born, and you're here right now for that. And so remember that. Remember when it gets difficult or when it gets hard or when it gets uncomfortable, that you signed up for this, that you are prepared for this. You just have to awaken that inner aspect and inner understanding and knowledge. And once you do, it will become a lot easier to navigate this collective shadow that we as a collective are transforming, transcending, and expanding to higher consciousness. Thanks for listening to the spiritual show with me today. I hope you enjoyed learning about the collective shadow we are currently in, how you may be experiencing it, and how you can stay grounded during this time. Join us on our next episode, where we will be discussing the quantum field through Doctor Joe Dispenza's wisdom. And as always, you can head to Thespiritualroom Co. To sign up for the weekly spiritual communication email as well. Check out the links and resources we have in today's show. Notes that's all for today's episode, my friend. See you in the next one. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others, post about it on social media, or leave a rating and review to catch all the latest from us. You can follow us on Instagram at thespenne Spiritualroom co. And on the blog at thespiritualroom co. [00:21:47] Blog. Thanks again and we'll see you next time. [00:21:52] Our.

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