The Shift Into The New Earth

Episode 36 November 25, 2023 00:37:58
The Shift Into The New Earth
The Spiritual Show
The Shift Into The New Earth

Nov 25 2023 | 00:37:58


Hosted By

Danielle Grant The Spiritual Room

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[00:00:03] What's going on, you beautiful human? You're listening to the spiritual show podcast from Thespiritualroom. Co this podcast is a space where we blend ancient wisdom with new age teachings around spirituality, awakening, quantum physics, astrology, and more. Join us for weekly episodes where we dive deep into this truth and expand our consciousness as a collective. [00:00:27] What is going on, you beautiful human? And welcome back to another episode of the spiritual show podcast. My name is Danielle Grant, and I will be your host of all the shows, as we know. But if you are new around here, welcome. We are pumped that you are here. There is a bunch of new people here on the podcast, and I want to take some time to say what's up. [00:00:45] Today's episode is going to be three parts. We're going to break it out into three parts, and the title of this one is shifting into 5d into the new earth. After I finished recording this podcast episode that you're about to listen to, I saw something that Lee Harris had posted, and if you're not familiar with Lee Harris, go ahead and check him out on instagram. Highly recommend. Or not Instagram. Well, I guess you can. But YouTube, highly recommend that you check out what Lee is talking about. But I found it so interesting that this is what he shared after I had recorded this episode about the new earth, and I wanted to share it with you guys. So he says, we're entering into a very serious part of the transformation phase that we're going through as a world. And many of us won't be here to see the final fruits of that, because we're very much a bridge generation. We're a generation who are moving from an old world to a new world. We're all human and soul, which means that we have a soul mission and a sole purpose here that we came here to experience and to carry out. But equally, we are human beings, and we're all influenced by all of the other human beings who have raised us, loved us, challenged us, taught us that truth is going to get more and more apparent on the planet as a whole for everybody over the next decade or so as we can, as we start to come back to understanding how we are as universal beings as well as human beings. But that's kind of a broad stroke, and the reason I bring that broad stroke in is that many of you will be deeply feeling this, and it will be very much your mission to help others access that for themselves in the years to come. Equally, there will be many of you who are boots on the ground really helping the old to transition, because all we have is old in us. It's a continuum of energy. So we're all burning off old parts of who we are as human beings and who we have been as a collective together. And it's very important to remember that as much as you can. [00:02:31] This basically sums up the podcast that you are about to hear today. So without further ado, let's go ahead and kick it off and listen to today's show. At the time of this recording, there is massive conversation in the world, globally, around this understanding that we're ascending into a new earth. But greater to that, there is a conversation, which I shared on a previous podcast episode, to this, which is the shift of consciousness number three, that there are world events that are happening in order for us to actually access and ascend into the new earth, into a fifth dimensional way of living. And I wanted to continue this conversation today because I think it's one thing to have awareness of the current events that are going on that are impacting our spiritual ascension, our spiritual awakening, but I think it's a whole other thing to really ground us in what is the end outcome of this, because we are actually not going to see change happen in like a month or two or even a year. When we talk about ascending into a new earth, ascending into a 5d way of living, we're talking about a timeline that has to occur. We're talking about years of things that have to come up to be seen that are three dimensional in order for us to clear them. So this conversation of shifting into a 5d earth, a new earth, isn't one that's going to, like, just happen overnight. It's one that's going to happen over a period of time. And of course, nobody actually knows exactly when that will be. There are people that can predict it, channelers and stuff like that, in a roundabout time. But essentially, there actually isn't anyone who can confirm when this will occur. So what that actually means is it means that we have to start choosing to awaken every single day. It's not about getting to a certain timeline. It's not about when is it going to happen. It's about, I'm aware that I'm incarnate in earth right now in order for me to actually awaken and ascend my human being into a higher state of consciousness. And it's completely irrelevant when, like, a certain time or end date or like, the shift is going to occur, because the reality of it is the shift is here. The shift is a. Is a journey, right? Just like anything in our life. It's not a beginning point and an end point. It is a journey that we are going through. And right now we are in a journey of ascending into higher states of consciousness. But what comes with that is we have to see where we are not conscious. We have to see what we're holding on to. That is 3d. We have to do the clearing work, the ascending work, more than anything that actually allows us to get to where we are going. So before we get into this topic today, I wanted to remind you guys that we have the spiritual room community on mighty networks. It is free. There is a link in the show notes. Go ahead and click that. Come on over. Last week I did two live streams. I do two live streams a week. Plus I record the podcast in there. And the live streams I did last week was the first one was it's time to remember. And I wasn't talking you from the perspective of like, it's time to remember that you're a spiritual being having a human experience. You already most likely remember that. That's why you're listening to the show. But I was talking about it's time to remember the dimensions. It's time to remember how dimensions look, what is in each of those dimensions, and from a higher perspective beyond our human, what those dimensions are actually made up of, our angels and guides, masters, all of that good stuff. The other thing that I was recording was, what was it? The other thing I was recording was awakening brings pressure. And I was reminding you of what the spiritual awakening and ascension journey looks like and how what's required is actually pressure, pressure, awareness, acknowledgement of what, what needs to go, what doesn't serve. And so if you want to watch those two replays, hop into the spiritual room community on mighty networks and you can watch those, I host them live every Tuesdays and Thursdays, and you can RSVP to future events as well. [00:05:57] All right, let's get into this topic today, because this is one that honestly is so important. These are the three things we're going to talk about today. The first thing is be proud of yourself. The second thing is evolution. And the third thing is we are shifting into a new earth. And actually, what does that look like? There is a lot of conversation about if you don't ascend, you're not going to make it into the 5d earth. And I want to just clarify that a little bit today because it scares some people, especially people that are just awakening. It scares people thinking, I'm not going to make it into the shift. I'm not going to make it into the 5d earth. And I want to just open up your understanding of what that is. That will hopefully ease any fears that you might have. And. Or if you're someone who's in that stage and you're like, yes, I understand this. I want to remind you what the next step is for you, but let's ground ourselves in this. You need to be proud of yourself. And I know, just like me, I hardly ever take time out of my day to really ground in how great I am. And I actually, like, know how good I am, and I do do it frequently, but I don't do it, like, really intentionally every single day for like ten minutes of, like, vibing. And like, man, I'm so great. I'm so amazing. Like, look at what I'm doing. And I share that with you because most of us don't do this. Like, it's something that's so overlooked as a human, and it's not something that your human wants to do, but it's something that we need to do. And I want to bring it up on this podcast today because you should be so proud of yourself, especially in todaydegh, because remember this, you chose to be incarnated in this time, specifically in this timeline in earth, when there was going to be this massive pressure or push to awaken consciousness. You signed up for it before you even came in here, and you came in and said, I want to be a part of that time. I want to incarnate as a human, and I want to take all of my previous life experiences, and I want to be a part of this shift. And again, this isn't like this could happen well beyond. This will happen, not could. This will happen well beyond a lot of our lifetimes, because the shift, like I mentioned, is a continuous thing, and it's a journey, and it's not something that's just going to happen in like a decade or two. And to think that we're just at the beginning of this is crazy, but you really need to ground your human in, like, how good you're doing. Because if you are doing the spiritual thing and you're really doing what you're here to do, even if that's just starting to awaken, that's what you're supposed to be doing. Or if you're really aware what's going on and you're transmuting those higher energies, you need to be proud of yourself, because this is not easy for the human at all. And I know right now the energies are fierce. They are the 3d, they're rising. And so it's hard to find grounding right now. Can it be done? Absolutely. But we have to remember how good of a work we're doing. Even if you are just listening to this podcast, that is you showing up to a different version of you, and you really need to be proud of yourself. So take some time right now, even if you want to pause this podcast and be like, I am amazing. And I am so proud of myself for showing up for this. I'm proud of myself for looking at my beliefs around what's happening in the war. I'm proud of myself for looking at the emotional triggers that I have in my life. I'm proud of myself for sitting and being open minded, right? Allowing my human to be open minded to this conversation. I am so freaking proud of myself. Because your spiritual being is already proud of itself. That spiritual aspect of you, it's neutral, it's good, it knows what it's here for. It's already the best that it possibly can be. It's the human that isn't. And so take time today and be like, yeah, I am killing it. Because if you are doing what you're supposed to be doing right now, which is ascending or awakening, you are looking at the things in your life that don't serve, and that is not easy for the human. It's really not. And so take that time for yourself today. Be like, yeah, I am doing it. And if you're someone who really has been looking into the way that we emotionalize or transmute or interact with the current events on the 3d realm, and you're actually looking at them, you deserve like a double gold star, because that's the current, current event that we're in, that we are here to transmute. And that requires a lot more effort than just our day to day lives. Because when we're transmuting something on a collective, it is so much more powerful than just in our everyday individual lives. Now, it isn't like me saying your individual lives are less powerful, but we are in a collective event to go to the next level of consciousness. And so that that's what allows it to be so much more expansive and high frequency. And so it does require a lot more out of you to ground yourself because it's so easy for the human to look left and be like, man, I'm not doing enough. I'm not emotional enough. I don't care enough about what's happening in this. But then the higher self of you is like, no, but you're not supposed to be, actually, we need you to hold this detached state. We need you to hold this neutral state. And so now more than ever, really is the time to be like, I'm killing it. And if you're like, maybe I could do a little bit more. Maybe I could show up a little bit more, maybe I could look that emotional attachment a little bit more. Here's your call to step into that, to rise a little bit more around that. But I wanted to open up today with that because I know for me, I had to remind myself lately of, like, this is what you came here for, Danielle. Like, this is actually like, you came here for all of your lifetime, right? But specifically right now, you incarnated as this human so that you can move through this experience. And all of your things that you've been doing leading up into this moment has prepared you for this moment. All of those seemingly failures and lessons and, like, hardships and all of that has led me to this moment right here, to actually have a level of awareness that understands what's going on. So I can actually facilitate my shift, like, what I'm here to do. And I was like, wow, like, that is incredible, Danielle. Like, good for you. So I encourage you to do the same for yourself today. [00:11:08] The next thing I want to talk about today is evolution. [00:11:11] You're in evolution. This whole conversation is about evolution. And really, our lifetimes previous to this has been all about evolution. Ever since we fell from the lemurian and atlantean age and we lost our higher state of consciousness and fell into the deepest 3d shadow of earth. We have been trying to evolve. And that is what we incarnated or signed up for this human experience to begin with eons and eons ago, was to come into this human vessel to have duality, to have free will. And, uh, somewhere along the way, the forces overtook us and we ended up into the 3d shadow of earth. But again, that was divinely planned. Again, that's what we signed up for. And we've been reincarnating time and time again to come into this existence, to come into evolution, to come into the time where we could actually understand 5d energy. And just to show you again on like, a timeline perspective, when I say this isn't something that's going to happen, just like in a month or two months or a year, if you actually track back the last hundred years, we have been in the greatest awakening of our time in the last hundred years. The conversation and the information on earth and the amount of people that are talking about it more. So the amount of people that are holding the light that facilitates the conversation is a lot greater than it's ever been. So, from a timeline perspective, I'm just showing you, it's been 100 years of us ramping up this spiritual information and consciousness coming onto earth and greater and greater, 100 years later. Now, like, a good portion of humanity is actually awakening. So that just gives you perspective of, like, how long our earth timelines actually have to take in order for us to shift frequency. And when we talk about moving into the new earth, it's not just one or two people. It's the whole entire resonance of earth that's moving into a higher frequency. So that timeline has been over 100 years, and Elon's beyond that, right. Ever since we fell into That 3d shadow of existence, we've been trying to evolve into the state. However, because we have free will source, never really knew or understood when we were going to be able to move into that place. And now here we are. For the last hundred years, we've been holding more and more light, which is WiSdOm, which is awakening, which is consciousness. And now we're at a point where a lot of the collective is rising, the earth frequency is rising, and so it's time, and it's just the beginning. That's what's even CraziEr. Like, again, if you think about, like, just human life, when you go to start anything at the beginning, it seems like your goal is so far away. When you start things at the beginning, it seems like it's so difficult. Like it's the not working, or it's like, man, this is like, I can't get out of this negative place or like this old past pattern in myself. We're at the same stage in the spiritual awakening of higher consciousness. We're just at the beginning. Yes, we're like a hundred years in, but ultimately, like, we're actually back at another beginning stage because more of the collective is able to actually hold us and understand this conversation. So it's gonna be like the beginning of a human journey. It's gonna feel like it's so far away, it's gonna feel like it's not working. It's gonna feel like you're in the same patterns. But that is what it's like to start anything new. That is what it's like to shift anything new. And here we are at the beginning of the whole earth ascending in higher consciousness at the beginning. And it seems like, is this. Is this ever gonna give or, you know, are we ever gonna get there? Yeah, we are gonna get there. It's just probably not gonna happen right now in this timeline because as I just mentioned, we're at the beginning. So we are really in an evolution. We're in the evolution of our energy field. We're in the evolution of awakening beyond our human. And we're also in the evolution of understanding that just because we awaken to our spiritual truth, which is where we're at in that 4d realm of existence, and where a lot of the collective is right now, is, wait a minute here. I am not. I am, I am not my human. I am like the spiritual being having a human existence. I'm wearing a human suit. Once you awaken to that, the next part is to ascend the human. [00:14:45] And that's the part of evolution that we're in because a lot of people are awakening. But now you have to ascend the human. You have to continue to evolve the human's auric field into a higher state of consciousness. And over the next coming episodes, I'm actually going to be releasing a four part series on dimensions where I'm going to be breaking down the. I'm going to be breaking that down for you and giving you a really good understanding of what each of those densities look like, because that's what we're moving into. But when we talk about evolution, we have to really understand that it's two parts. It's one part awakening the human into, I am higher self, I am spiritual. And then also, then bringing that wisdom into the human. And that's what allows us to go into 5d when we don't bring it back into the human and we just live in this airy fairy. I'm spiritual and everything is energy and angels and guides and like, abundance and everything's great. There's nothing wrong with that. You need that part of the process, but the next part of the human and what we incarnated for is to awaken the human into that level of awareness. So it's one thing to awaken the human that it's not just a human. The next part of it, the second part of it, is now to bring that human into higher states of consciousness, which is what we are in right now. And you're going to see this change really, really quickly over the next decade. You're going to see the conversation move from just this 4d spiritual and feel good and energy and guides and that into, oh, I really need to anchor in my human, oh, I really need to be concerned about my field. I really need to understand what this is. And on that note, if you're interested in understanding that, then you're going to want to check out my signature program, reclaim your higher self. The waitlist opens in December, and that program is actually anchoring all of your spiritual wisdom back into the human. It's a completely 5d program, but this is what we're evolving. This is the evolution that we're in, and it's not easy. This is what we signed up for. We signed up for a human to come and have duality and free will and a choice that says, maybe I don't want to ascend, maybe I don't want to do that work. [00:16:38] And then we also have a higher self that's being like, guiding us to do that work. This is evolution. [00:16:43] Which is also why I say you need to be proud of yourself, because again, the spirit is killing it. It's like it's the best it's ever been, because that's how the higher self spiritual aspect is. But the human is the one that's actually evolving. The human is the one that has to bring its field into higher states of consciousness. And it's so easy for the human to feel like it's not doing enough, I'm not good enough, it's not happening. When you can remove those limitations and those beliefs, now you're being the spiritual being, having the human experience. Now you're actually in that alchemizing state between three D and five D. [00:17:14] But evolution is here now. And this next part of the conversation, when I talk about the shift into 5D Earth, and the conversation about people saying not everyone's going to ascend out of the 3d into the 5D, this is where the conversation of evolution is the most important. [00:17:28] Because when we talk about those that are not going to ascend into five D, the reason why they're not going to ascend into 5D is because they're not going to evolve. It's not for any other reason. Now, it could be a reason that they are not supposed to evolve in this lifetime. Their soul contract, their existence on this earth, rightfully so, by divinity is not here to ascend into a higher state. But more often than not, more often than not, most of us is what I'm trying to say. Most of us actually are being given the green light. And the only reason why we won't take the green light is because we don't want to evolve. And the only reason why we wouldn't want to evolve is because we aren't willing to discipline the human to actually evolve. Right? Again, it's so easy to awaken to all the spiritual stuff. Fun, easy. Yeah. Oh, wow, this makes sense. Makes like. Makes my life feel easier, makes me feel like I can transmit my energy. Like, yeah, it feels so good. But the human, the human is the one that has to be disciplined enough to actually take all of those things that you're doing and implement it into its life and continue its journey. And those are the people that are going to rise into the 5D, into the new earth, which is you, the person who's listening to this. The odds of you raising into 5D existence, if you're listening to this podcast, are almost 100% because you wouldn't be in resonance with this conversation or be seeking the wisdom or be seeking the container and community that will facilitate that for you. If you weren't here to do that, that's something else to remember. So if you are here, you know, give yourself that pat on the back, like, okay, I'm being gifted in this lifetime with the opportunity, based on my own human free will, to ascend into 5D. You don't just ascend into 5D because your spiritual being decides it wants to ascend in 5D. All of our spiritual beings want to ascend into 5D. [00:19:04] It's the human that has to make the decision. It's the human that has to be willing to continue to show up to it, to ascend itself, to actually move into the 5D. So that is why evolution is so, so important, because you are here to evolve, and we get stuck in the spiritual world because it feels a lot easier. And it's like ease and flow and joy and peace and love and. Yeah, but that's not being dualistic. That's not being dualistic. [00:19:29] So now let's drop into the conversation of the new earth. It's dropping the conversation of the new earth and the 5D existence. As I mentioned at the beginning of this podcast episode, you, we as a collective, are incarnated. This timeline, right now, today, in this existence, no matter how old you are, young or old, you are here because you are being given the opportunity to rise into the 5D Earth. [00:19:55] The 5D Earth is not some new planetary system. We're still going to fundamentally be on planet Earth in this flesh vessel, still experiencing the human experience. [00:20:06] But what's going to be different is your auric field is going to be vibrating at a higher state of frequency, the fifth dimensional state of frequency, the higher states of the levels of consciousness, which means your human vessel is going to have a completely different reality. Because when you're vibrating at higher states of consciousness, you're in resonance with things that are higher vibe, which would be that joy, peace, and love. Doesn't mean that you don't have negative experiences happen, because that's duality. That's what you're here to experience. In fact, when you're at that level, you're just more aware of why you need the negative experiences. Seemingly negative experiences or low vibe experiences, because they're your launch pads into the. For as long as you're incarnated on planet Earth, even in the new earth of 5d energy, you still have duality. You're just quicker to move through it, which actually allows Earth to hold a higher frequency because everyone's moving quicker. Where for a long time, thousands of years, we've been moving very slow. People have been awakening very slow. Their Orc fields are very, very dense. Takes them a very long time to move through their things. But in today, in 2023, people can be awake, be aware, understand what's going on from a 5d perspective, know that that negative or low Vibr, whatever thing in their life is actually here. To assign them into a higher state of consciousness, they do the work, not just the energy work and the breath work, like actually do the work, ascending the human through the work. [00:21:25] And then you go back into 5d, but you do it quick, right? Could happen over one week, could happen over 24 hours, could happen over a couple months. Where previously, the way that we've been operating as a collective has been like years, hundreds of years, to actually get to any sort of healing or awakening within ourself. So fundamentally, the earth isn't going anywhere. The earth at a 5d perspective and higher states of consciousness is just going to be more beautiful, right? Everything will be more vibrant. I mean, I don't know about you, but if you looked outside lately, if you're on the spiritual journey, you might notice that things look a little sharper. Maybe things are a little bit brighter. Maybe you're starting to notice more of the nature around you, the more connectivity around you. That's more of that four and 5d consciousness that is living on earth. And because your human is vibrating at that, you're in tune with the beauty of it, and you can see it a little bit more. Wow. Everything seems a little bit more colorful today. I really feel like there's butterflies everywhere around me all of a sudden. That's because Earth is also raising in consciousness. And when your human is at that level. You're able to receive that experience and see that experience, but you're still fundamentally on the same planet, Earth. You kind of want to think about it like this. You want to think about it like Earth. In the middle. [00:22:36] In the middle. Well, wherever we are in the cosmos, and there is a non physical reality of 5d existence existing somewhere out there in the cosmos, in the ether, that has no physical existence to it. So there's no actual physical matter, but the way in which we live is the same as which we live on Earth. There's just no physicalness to it. So as the earth ascends in consciousness, that dimension kind of comes around and puts itself around Earth. And those that are of 5d awareness can see that 5d truth, that dimension of frequency that has come and landed on earth. Now, again, duality is here, and that is why we can simultaneously be still existing in a 3d reality. So when people are talking about, you know, you got to awaken in order to go to 5d, there's a little bit of pressure behind it, because the human is going to want to keep you out of that awakening. And so there does need to be some urgency there. There doesn't need to be fear, though, but urgency, yes. [00:23:39] Those that don't want to go there are still going to be, in this 3d earth, the earth is still going to be the same. There's still going to be the blanket of frequency around it. That is a 5d energy. But that person's vessel on the physical level isn't going to be in resonance with that 5D frequency. And so their reality will be very much of what already is. They'll be more seeing what the war is, they'll be more emotional with war. They'll be more attached to the negativity of Hollywood, they'll be more attached to the negativity of child trafficking. And again, I just want to anchor us because I just said something very triggering, I think, for people. I just want to anchor us in what this podcast is. It's just about being matter of fact of densities, okay? The 3D is fierce. The 3D has all of those negative things in it. Those things will still exist on Earth, but simultaneously we will still have the ability to be in resonance with higher consciousness, because it's not like the Earth just gets overtaken by this 5d energy and then all of the 3D just washes away and the whole entire planet. Earth is still living in higher consciousness, and everything is amazing and beautiful, and there's nothing wrong. [00:24:43] We haven't quite ascended our frequency out of that place. We haven't awakened enough of the collective, the humans, to that place, and so we're still in that in between bridge, because again, right, the beginning of this, where the 3D still is going to exist simultaneously that the 5D gets to exist. [00:25:02] So how could this actually look in your life is actually the most important thing we can be talking about. [00:25:08] When you are supercharged by war or supercharged by the negative things that are going on in our existence, you must know and understand that you are living within resonance of a 3d existence. So, say in 20 years, you find yourself still being emotionalized or triggered by these 3d events. That's awareness for you. That your auric field is still vibrating in lower states of consciousness doesn't mean that you're not doing the work. It just goes to show you how dimensional and vast the work is in order to actually attend, attain a 5d level of consciousness. [00:25:40] Conversely, if you're someone that you aren't supercharged by those, you're seeing them exactly for what they are. It's the divine plan and your holy compassion. And you're living your life and you're doing your ascending and you're continuing to see what's in your field to clear, but you're not charged by that. That's your awareness that you are living in more of a 5D resonance, more in those higher states of consciousness. [00:26:02] So, yes. Is there an opportunity for some people not to get into the 5D or to access the 5D as we move forward? 100%. [00:26:09] Are those people going to be on another planet or some crazy thing? No, they're not at all. [00:26:16] And is it going to happen in the next year? No, we're at the beginning of it. So this is going to be a good decade or two, most likely, before we really are in a conversation of like, yeah, there's more 5d energy resonance than there is 3d. Right. Because we, as the collective, is awakening into the three. And in order for us to really have that 5D, earth more of us have to go to again, that's the part where you have to bring the human back into what is the 4d is the awakening of the spiritual awareness. The 5D is the spiritual ascension, is ascending the human into higher shades of consciousness. So it's going to take us some time. [00:26:53] Now, there's one caveat to this all. There's a caveat when we talk about earth raising in consciousness, which we already are. Undoubtedly that's why you're feeling pressure to look at your own stuff in your life when Earth, or how do I say this? When somebody is born in their next reincarnation on planet Earth in physical existence, they most likely, and this is where a lot of our kids are, and I mean kids under the age of 21 right now, young adults and kids below, they were actually already born into a earth that is of higher consciousness. [00:27:29] They were born into their human vessel that was already like formed and created right as they came out of the womb into higher states of consciousness, where a lot of us older or more mature people were incarnated in more of a 3D Energy structure when we were born. And so as we are the ones that have been doing the awakening, these younger generations have had the benefit, because this is how ascension works and this is how we're going to get to the 5D. As I mentioned, over a decade or two decades, these younger kids have been incarnated in this energy structure of more of the 4D. Energy actually is what it is. [00:28:03] And so when people start to reincarnate in now, they're actually being reincarnated in more of that four or 5d energy. And ultimately what that means is that their level of awareness of the spiritual journey is a lot quicker. Those of us that are a little bit older and more mature, it took us a while to awaken to the I am not my human. But these younger kids, this younger generation, they're already in more in tune to it. They're into the energy stuff. Like that's just their normal day. Life is astrology and spirituality. Like, that's it. [00:28:32] So the caveat to this whole new earth thing where is you're either going to ascend into more of a 5d version of yourself or you're going to not and you're going to stay in more of the 3d existence, but both will coexist. The caveat to this is there are some souls who predestined soul contract said, I actually don't want to be here for this right now, which is the explosive shift of what we're doing right now. We're freeing the. They're like, no, I'm good for whatever reason, right? We don't know in our soul contract why they are leaving the earth. [00:29:05] So let me just rewind for a second, drop you into this. Over the last few years, there has been a shift. There has been a lot of souls exiting earth, like a mass amount, not just on wars, but in the other world event that happened that we all know about. [00:29:21] Those souls already signed up and said, you know what? I'm out. I'm out for this shift, and I'm going to choose to be incarnated in the next evolution, which is more of that four 5d existence. More of the 5d existence. [00:29:39] And the other thing is, some of them don't. Some of them don't. Some of them go in the in between realms where they're not quite coming back into the incarnation of the physical body for whatever reason, they need to do some stuff in the non physical realms, and then maybe they come back in, in 60, 80 years, 160 or 80 years. When you're reincarnated in the human vessel, the energy energetic structure is most likely going to be predominantly five d, four or 5d. So those individuals will be born into more of a 5d existence. Right. Meaning they already remember that they're spiritual. They already know that this is what they're here to do. That's how we ascend the earth into higher states of consciousness is more humans. Their energy structure is there. Right. So that's the caveat to all this. So there's kind of three different camps that we're in to, and two of the camps we have a lot of awareness around because we're human and we can see it. One of the camps we don't know unless we get reincarnated, at which point you'll actually most likely remember why you left. Right? But only those souls will remember whenever they come. And you're going to start to see that with these younger generations. They're going to tell you, like, yeah, I left Earth and things were getting crazy, and now I'm back and it's beautiful, and it's like, how did you just go from black to white? Well, they went to black to white because they're born in earth at a higher frequency. And so there are three camps. One is you are in that spiritual conversation, which if you're listening to this, you are, and you're moving into that four D and then ascending into 5D, which means that you will be in resonance with that. There are the people that are in the. Are kind of figuring all the spiritual stuff, but are pushing it away and aren't interested in it. Those most likely are the souls that are not here to ascend. I mean, at some point, someone has to anchor in the 3d in order for the shift to occur, right? Because if it just miraculously went away, be like magic show. And so that would be it. That's not how human timelines work. There's a delay. In the non physical realm, there is no delay. But in the spiritual or in the physical realm, there's a delay. And so we need those 3d humans to still be three D. And I'm talking, like, millions of people to still allow us to have that shift. But then there's the people who are dying. There's the people that are leaving earth, and some of them are being immediately reincarnated into more of this higher frequency, which, again, will push those that are in the 3d up a little bit more as time and time progresses, or they're going in the in between and doing whatever they need to do in the non physical realms. But this idea of, like, the new earth and you're either going to make it or you're not, isn't quite legit. And I don't want you to believe that it is, and I want you to more so understand that. Like, if you're here listening to this, you're here because you decided you want to awaken, you decided you want to do the work, and it's not about sitting back and drinking mai tais and having a good time. [00:32:11] Well, yes, life does become kind of like that vibe. It's actually ultimately about you doing the damn work. It's about you being willing to go into the human and seeing what is out of misalignment from a conscious perspective. [00:32:25] That is what you signed up for. That's what you're here for. That's why we're in this conversation right now. And so just for you, like, no, like, okay, actually, I'm big. I got the green light. I got the green light to ascend if I want to. Now, someone might. Might be listening to this and they might not. Maybe your contract is for you not to. And you're listening to this and you're struggling and you keep finding yourself in the 3d. That's where you're at. And there's nothing wrong with that. Like, and that's the problem is we've. We've constructed such a negative paradigm on this 3d existence. But, like, listen, if that's what you signed up for and that's what you're here to experience, that's what you hear to experience. Now, do I really, in my whole entire soul, as I'm saying this right now, in my energy field, believing that to be true, someone who's listening to this, no, I don't at all. [00:33:06] Most likely, if you're supposed to be in 3D, you are not going to be in residence with this podcast or find what I'm talking about. Like, that's just the facts. But I just wanted to remind you that this whole 3d perspective isn't like, you're less than or you're worse because you might be someone in 15 years and you're still like, I'm still in the, I'm teetering between the two. And then you beat yourself up and then you think you're not good enough or you're not the chosen one or like, whatever. That's not the case. That's not the case at all. And I want to diffuse that mindset a little bit because that's not true. And everybody still ultimately does have the green light to go into 5d if they so choose. But reminding you, you don't just go to 5d, you have to do the work. You have to awaken to the, then you have to bring the human into the get to the 5d. Right? It's a whole process, which is why it takes time. [00:33:49] So circling back around to the conversation of evolution, you can see how this is all about evolution. And now more than ever, we are in the most potent time of evolution. And now more than ever, we're being given the green light. From many conversations that are saying, hey, do you want to come to. If you don't, you're going to stay in 3D, which is ultimately the same earth, which is a completely different experience. In fact, it's the exact same experience we've been experiencing this whole time. Where the 5D is going to be something that a lot of us have never experienced before, which is ultimately where you want to go, is 5d. But it's all about evolution. It's all about evolution. And I find so much in the spiritual conversation, it's just like, we want to hire everybody to do the work for us. Well, that's, that's spiritual bypassing. And you are going to find yourself in that push pull between three D forty and be like, but I'm doing the work. It's like you're not. You're outsourcing it. You yourself is not doing the damn work. So you yourself cannot ascend the human into a higher or field if you are always outsourcing the work, right? So it's about you reminding yourself that. That's why I said, like, give yourself a thumbs up. Like you're the one doing the work. Oh, and by the way, you're here to evolve. Oh, and by the way, you have an opportunity to go to 5d right now. You've been given the green light. Do you want it? [00:34:57] So that is what I wanted to talk to you guys about on today's podcast. Episode reminding you that we have the spiritual room community on mighty networks, where I do two live streams a week. I post in there. There's community in there. Obviously, a much richer, deeper conversation is going on in there. I love to connect with you guys. I get to know where you're at in your spiritual journey. And ultimately, that also helps me create the live streams and the podcast content. Also, what follows this podcast episode is going to be a four part series on the dimensions, helping you really understand what each of those dimensions look like, and reminding you that life is about duality. Okay. Just because you are someone who's awake and you think you're in 4D or 5D, does not mean that you aren't in an experience in a moment, in time, in your timeline where it is 3d. That is actually what you came here to experience. And the more that you understand that that's what you came here to experience, the easier it will be for you to transcend them and transmute them and ascend them. But we so often want to fight them, like, but I'm already awake. It's like, that's not the point. Duality is the point. So those podcast episodes are going to be able to help you with that and help you understand more about what densities and dimensions are. [00:35:58] And the last thing that I wanted to let you guys know is that I have a program that I'm running called Elevate. And it is a six week group coaching program where I am going to take your current human being and some one thing or a couple things that you want to do. And I'm going to show you how to elevate your state of consciousness, not only in your human, but in the actual actions that you're taking to be of that 5d energy. And so that is going. The presale is open right now. Again, it is a six week group coaching program hosted on mighty networks. It has six weeks of pre recorded content. We have six live q and a calls, and reminding you that it is about elevating your human into a higher state of consciousness so that you can actually take actions from that place, which is like a completely different way of taking actions in your life. And this is for anybody. This is for somebody who wants to deepen their spiritual practice. Maybe you wanna start going to the gym, maybe you want to do something different in your career. Maybe you wanna do something different in your business. Maybe you wanna have a better relationship with your kids. I wanna elevate that version of you that wants to be elevated into a 5d version and that is what we're gonna be doing together over our six weeks. So there is a link down below in the show notes for both the community and to join elevate my new six week group coaching program. I'm so grateful that you're here with me, beautiful human. I love having these conversations with you and as we continue to ascend into five djdeheheheheheheheheheh. We're going to continue to bring our human into that 5d level of awareness on this show. I hope you have an absolute fantastic day wherever you are in the world. Namaste, peace and love. [00:37:27] If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others, post about it on social media, or leave a rating and review to catch all the latest from us. You can follow us on instagram at thespiritualroom co. And on the blog at thespiritualroom co. Forward slash blog. Thanks again and we'll see you next time.

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