(#32) Spiritual Knowledge - Integrate What You Are Learning

Episode 32 September 13, 2023 00:24:45
(#32) Spiritual Knowledge - Integrate What You Are Learning
The Spiritual Show
(#32) Spiritual Knowledge - Integrate What You Are Learning

Sep 13 2023 | 00:24:45


Hosted By

Danielle Grant The Spiritual Room

Show Notes

Are you living your life in alignment with your highest self, or does your ego keep nudging you off course? This episode dives deep into the gritty reality of integrating spiritual learnings and practices into our everyday lives, a challenge that requires consistent discipline and self-awareness. We'll explore how to extract meaning from our experiences in practices like breathwork sessions, and the importance of becoming what we're learning.  This journey isn't about perfection; it's about progress.

The journey toward self-actualization is often littered with resistance from our ego selves and perceived limitations. We'll discuss how to navigate this tricky terrain, activate our higher selves, and rise beyond these hindrances to make meaningful strides in our spiritual growth. More importantly, we'll underscore the importance of self-compassion in this journey, reminding you that being kind to yourself isn't just beneficial - it's essential.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: What's going on, you beautiful human? [00:00:05] Speaker B: You're listening to the spiritual show podcast from thespiritualroom. [00:00:08] Speaker A: Co. [00:00:09] Speaker B: This podcast is a space where we blend ancient wisdom with new age teachings around spirituality, awakening, quantum physics, astrology, and more. Join us for weekly episodes where we dive deep into this truth and expand. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Our consciousness as a collective. What is going on, you beautiful human? What is going on, you beautiful human? Welcome to Today's podcast show. I am a little bit late today, but that is all right. We are here. And of course, my laptop is telling me I have 53%, which is no problem. It just means I get to stay within a certain time limit today, which is totally fine with me today. Cool. So if you guys are here tuning in live with us on in the podcast room on the money networks for the spiritual, remember what's up? Say hello in the comments, and anytime you have any questions or any feedback during this live show, live recording, as you're in here, leave them in the comments, and at the end of the show, I will open it up and we'll be able to have some of those discussions for about 15 minutes and just to continue the conversation, whatever it is that we're talking about here today. So if that person is you and you're here live, then go ahead and leave those comments for us. [00:01:19] Speaker B: All right, what is up? [00:01:20] Speaker A: I'm super excited to be on this live stream here today with you. So the topic that I decided to pick today is integrating what you were learning. And this topic is really important, not just in the spiritual conversation, but really in, honestly, any aspect of our life. Because if you don't integrate what you learn or what you have to have discipline within, well, then you can't create it, right? It's really that simple. But I want to ground us today in the conversation of integrating what you're learning from a spiritual perspective, because we're at a convergence in our awakening, where we're awakening to the tools like ayahuasca, like breathwork, like sound bowls, like past life readings. We're awakening to all of these modalities and tools that allow us access into the awareness, really, of what is already, which is spirituality and existence and consciousness. But when you go into those tools and modalities, there is a. What do I want to say? There's a part of your human that requires you to integrate what you're learning, but the way that it's being presented in society is that you just utilize those tools and modalities. Therefore, you know, it's kind of like pharmaceuticals you take the pharmaceutical to move through the thing, but it didn't actually fix the thing. It just put a band aid solution on it. The same is for these kinds of spiritual tools and modalities, is that you go through them and you think that it's, you know, solving your symptom, but in reality, it's just a band aid solution. And so it really comes down to this conversation of integrating what you're learning, because it's great, honestly, to do meditations. It's great to do ayahuasca's. It's great to do breath work. It's great to do all of these things that expand you into higher states of conscious awareness. But if you don't actually learn how to discipline the human, to do it for itself, it just becomes a band aid, right? It just becomes like a pharmaceutical drug. And that's why this conversation is so important. And when I was speaking to this individual yesterday, this conversation of integrating and how from the outside, it can kind of look as if I can move a little bit more fluid and a little bit more faster. But it's not about that. It's about I've disciplined my human enough to integrate what it is that I'm learning, right? If I'm going to learn about my past life and to learn about the lessons or to learn about the wisdom that's in that past lives, I should probably do something with it, right? I should probably integrate those learnings and those teachings and that awareness into my current day existence. If I'm going to enter into an ayahuasca ceremony with myself and the non physical realm, then I would like to extract what I need out of that experience. Once I've gone through that experience, and I'd like to then take that information and put it into my life. That's what I mean by integrating it. And this is the hardest part, honestly, this is the hardest part. And then this was the hardest part for me, too, because it's the human that you have to discipline. And that's the thing that one I like to bring to this conversation that I'm about as a teacher and guide and I always share, is that I'm all about helping you through the ego aspect, the human subconscious, conscious, because I understand how difficult it is to discipline the human, and I also understand how we can discipline the human. And so I love to share that with you guys, but this conversation of integrating is a really big thing, because underlying to this whole conversation is your human self is your ego self, and that aspect of you is lazy. That aspect of you doesn't, like, change. That aspect of you doesn't want to integrate. That aspect of you thinks that it just has to think about something and then it arrives. So when we go through these awakenings and we find these tools and modalities and things, that's part of the process that needs to occur. But the next part of it is, how are you actually integrating this into your life? How are you becoming these things that you're learning about? How are you not just having those experiences? And then that's it. Because the human just wants to go through the experience, move on to the next thing the higher self wants to look at. What did you just uncover in your breath work session? Like, what did you actually uncover within that session? Were you just there breathing, going through the motions, and, you know, being disciplined to do it every day? Or did you actually go through that experience in full present state and, like, extracting the communication that the breath work experience is bringing you, that's integrating it. And this is a big thing that I see in the community, in the spiritual world, is the threshold, as you'll learn. We talk about between the third density and the fourth density, we're awakening to the spiritual truths which allow us to access our 4d self or fourth density self, but we get stuck between the, because we don't integrate them into our human, and that's where we don't go. Then from the which. Again, these densities are just frequency at which you, your energetic body is vibrating at. And depending on your level of awareness, depends on what your energy body is vibrating at. But if you're not integrating it beyond the awareness of those tools or those experiences or those retreats or those wisdoms, then you're just still living within an anchor of the third density and the human self, which is, again, back to the conversation of do you have enough discipline or awareness to see what you need in those experiences and then actually use that in your life? Because at the core of this conversation is that everything is in divine timing. Everything is for your conscious awakening, and everything is for you as an individual. Right? Where the human is. Like, it's about my fellow humans. Well, yes, it is about the fellow humans. At the end of the day, the journey that you're on is solely for you. It's solely your journey. And so everything that you're doing in your life or every retreat that you're going to or every meditation or breath work or any of those things are all inviting you into that next level of your life. If you're willing to go into those experiences and have them, and then beyond that, live within them. Live within what is being communicated to you. Live within the lessons that you're seeing. Live within the moments of unlocking energetic emotions and crying and let that all occur for you so that you can actually integrate it and be in it, instead of stopping the human and saying like, no, I just need to do this session and therefore I'm awakening. I don't know, what are you doing with the stuff that you're awakening to? Right. We're not just doing breath work, just to do breath work, because it moves our energy field and it activates our chakra systems and it allows us to get conscious communication within that experience. Like that in itself is much more than just breath work, right? It's an ability for you to engage with a non physical aspect of yourself, and it's like you're activating it, doing something like breath work. And I'm using breath work specifically in this example today because breath work is such a common thing that we see in society. You know, ten years ago, breathwork wasn't a thing, even five years ago, but meditation was a thing, and then it expanded and more into breath work. And what we've always been doing is expanding into tools and modalities that allow us to anchor in more of our higher self, allow us access and invitations into more of our higher self by us intentionally activating and moving our energy body. And so breath work is one that's become really relevant to it. But if you're just doing breath work just because it's what everyone's doing, well, then you're stifling your own evolution and ascension. But if you're actually looking at breath work for what it is doing and how it's activating you into higher states of consciousness and how it's most likely triggering things in your life, and how it's most likely bringing you levels of awareness in those moments of breath work or beyond those states. Like, it's not about you doing the breath work in your higher self and your conscious now. It's about you doing the breath work and getting the information that's in there. That's the integration part of it, and that's the part that people need to focus on, because you have to discipline the human enough to be like what just came out of that experience. And I know that I've said that on this podcast already today, but it's the truth. So many people are doing these amazing things to access higher streets of consciousness and to live in a more enlightened state, but we don't actually extract what we need out of what those experiences are doing, which are creating a shift in our energy field, which is bringing us information and wisdom to awaken. And so that's the integration part of, like, oh, once I go through the breath work experience, I should most likely expect that I'm going to have some sort of experience happen that might trigger me or might be exactly what I want or have some sort of download occur or some sort of thought happen or some sort of energetic release. I should be expecting these things to happen by doing these tools and modalities that are opening up this aspect of my reality. And then I should be figuring out what that means for me. That's that integration part, right? That's like grabbing that human, and I need to discipline myself to find and extract what is available to me. And this is the same as, like, go super, you know, basic. Even more to like, I just want to create a meditation practice for myself. Well, how do you integrate what you're learning? You're learning meditation is good for you. Okay. You're learning that if you do it consistently, there's going to be a benefit to it, a byproduct to it. Like, you're learning all these things about it and you have awareness on it, but are you doing them? Are you integrating it into your daily life? Are you integrating the ritual into your life? And most of the time, if you're just getting started, the answer is no, which is fine, because that's how the human works, right? That is how the human works. And so, okay, if that's you, great. What can I do today that would allow me to integrate these learnings? Maybe it's to go outside in nature, which is a lot of. In the meditative and yogic and mindful conversation is to get out in nature. Okay, well, why don't I just get out in nature once or twice a week? That's you integrating what you're learning in that. Okay, why don't I sit down and close my eyes and meditate once a week? You know, just commit to once a week to try this for myself. Okay, let's integrate that into our life. Right? So what are you integrating into your life based on what you're learning? We can't evolve and ascend in the spiritual conversation if we're always in this position that I just need to go do the action. Therefore, it's integrating and impacting my life. I'm like, absolutely. It is to a certain capacity. But if you really want to talk about awakening and ascending, then we got to talk about the conversation that we're talking about today, right? You're not just doing breath work to do breath work. You're doing breath work to activate a certain energetic aspect of yourself, which is most likely going to release a shift in your life, which is going to bring some sort of conversation or something in your life. And what is that thing and what is the lesson and what is the ascension in it? So you can see again in just this one example, like, it's not just doing these things, it's doing these things and understanding that they're activating our evolution and ascension within us. That's what these tools and modalities are for, same as journaling and reflection. It's the same thing. You know, you should do it. Not that you should do it, but you know it's beneficial. You know that it's good for you. You know that there's going to be a benefit of taking action on a consistent journal practice, but are you integrating that? You know those facts. Are you integrating what you're learning? Are you trying different journal prompts? Are you trying different ways? Are you having different conversations? Are you challenging yourself to be disciplined with it? Are you integrating what you're learning? And this is really the most important part of the spiritual conversation, because honestly, if you don't do the integrating part, the human is never disciplined enough to actually keep ascending. Yes, of course you're going to ascend naturally because it's a collective consciousness of the world. We are ascending, but you as an individual stifles your own ascension when you sit in that place and you don't actually integrate what you're learning. And another way that this could look is maybe you've been in the spiritual conversation for a while and you think like, I'm good in this certain area. Are you really? Or is there a new level for you in that area? Because that would be dimensionality. And are you looking for what you need to integrate in that, or are you looking at it like, no, I'm good, I've already ascended it? Because if you look at it like, no, I'm good, I've already ascended it. Well, that's linear thinking again, right? There's more in there for you to transcend, to continue to access higher states of consciousness if you desire, but are you integrating that, oh, wait a minute. That belief right there is not serving me. How do I integrate what I'm learning, to look at what is in here for me, right? You could do journal prompts you could go into a meditative state. You could just ask yourself questions, you know, what is here for me? Why do I feel like I've plateaued? Why do I feel like there's nothing for me? That would be you integrating what you're learning, right? That would be you activating what you're learning. So this conversation is so important because it's really, really easy for the human to be lazy. It's really easy for the human to not want to do these things. It's really easy for the human to just go, I'm going to go to a retreat or I'm going to go to a breath work. I'm going to go do a meditation and I'm going to be more conscious. It's really easy to do that, and it's part of the process again, but grounding yourself in, wait a minute here. It's not about that. It's about me connecting more to my inner self. It's about me deepening the relationship to my intuition and hearing more of my higher self, my conscious self. It's about me finding neutrality in every experience that I have. It's about me seeking the growth or evolution in any experience. And so you need to define this for yourself, right? What does this look like for you? And where in your life are you not integrating the things that you're learning? Where have you become lazy? Or you're in the mindset that I'm going to seek a healer or somebody to do the work for me, which they are there to open you up to that they are there to do some sort of work for you? Absolutely. But again, the next part is you actually taking the action beyond that. And that is the hardest part. Like, absolutely, it is. This conversation is so valuable to everybody because, myself included, it's this reminder of, are you integrating your higher self and the understanding that it wants to evolve in the moment that you're in, or are you in a moment of constriction of the ego self and the low vibe self? I find myself here all the time, too, right? It's like, no, I don't. I want to integrate my higher self and what it's trying to communicate to me and what it's guiding me towards. And I'm going to take the effort to build that relationship between my human and my higher self. And that really is a lot of what I teach and reclaim your higher self, which is why the student yesterday brought it up, because that was one of the takeaways. She said it was, you know, one of the things you taught me was how to actually integrate these things into my life. And that's part of the experience is that in the time we spend together, I actually have. You integrate these kinds of things into your life. These levels of awareness into your life is really what it is through journaling and meditation and expanded wisdom. But integration is a big part of it and it is a lacking part in the spiritual world and in the spiritual community on every level and anyone who's talking about it, because we forget so easily in our human self, even when we get to a certain level that, wait, there's more for me because the human is still human and it gets to a certain level and it's like, well, I've ascended, I'm here. I've come from somewhere where I wasn't, or I have more money or have a bigger audience or whatever that is. But there's more for you beyond that place. And it's up to you to engage the higher self, to activate the human in that and to integrate, I want a greater shift. What else is here for me? Where is more of an evolution for me in that place? And conversely on the other side, too, right? Where is my human being? Very lazy. Where am I stuck? Where am I not? Integrating the action part of just getting started and getting moving, which honestly, we've all been there, you know, and that's the other thing is if you're in this conversation right now and you're like, yeah, but Danielle, I'm not, you know, I'm brand new to this conversation. Perfect, perfect. Then the biggest thing for you is to have enough self love for yourself to go, it's okay that I haven't been disciplined to be taking the action parts. I get it, you know, I'm just thinking about doing the things, but I'm not actually doing the action parts to create the change. And that's okay. It's okay because from that place now you can move. But if you sit in this place like I'm not there and it's not happening and I can't do it, and every time I try, it doesn't work. Well, you're not ever going to get to that other place. And so you have to just give yourself a little bit of love and be like, it's okay, like, it's fine. But now let's try to be a little bit more disciplined. Now let's try to integrate the things that I'm learning, like starting with meditation, trying in journal practice, whatever that looks like for you. Because honestly, both sides are the same conversation. Doesn't matter if someone in their perceived subconscious mind is at a certain level of success versus somebody who's just getting started in anything that they're doing. Essentially, they're both being asked to evolve, right? Because if you're at the perceived top of some peak, well, there's another peak for you. So where's your evolution in it? And if you're at the perceived bottom of the peak, well, guess what? You get to go up to the peak, right? So it's both evolution for each individual circumstance, but it always comes down to, are you integrating what you're learning? Which is, are you integrating what your higher self is guiding you towards? Because your higher self was most likely guiding you towards the things that you're learning, like specifically this podcast. If you're listening to this, you are most likely guided to this some way, somehow. And so are you integrating what you're learning on these podcast episodes, which lots of you are. And I just absolutely love it because that's what this is all about. So deepening this conversation within us about the integrating what I'm learning and what that actually looks like and how in the spiritual world specifically, there is a threshold that you have to go through where you have to activate your higher self to be disciplined enough to actually integrate those things into your life. And there are a lot of people who are holding themselves back because they don't want to go through that threshold because it's perceived hard or difficult for the ego, which is fine, but let's ground ourself in knowing that it's just an illusion. It's just an ego thing. And it's up to me to move through that limitation or that threshold in order to continue my ascension and evolution. So this was a good one today. I'm so, so grateful that we got to talk about this topic because, you know, it's easy to talk about all the things that we can do and how we can look at things and consciousness and transmitting energies and manifestation and, like, all of these really great topics that are part of the spiritual ascension and awakening conversation. But ultimately, if you aren't integrating the teachings and learnings and acting on them, it really is irrelevant. It's irrelevant. And I know that there's someone listening to this that's like, yeah, that's me. Like, I know everything I should be doing. I'm just not disciplining my human enough to actually follow through with the actions. And again, it's okay, but knowing that you're there is awareness, right? Most important thing. And then making a decision to move, integrating what you're learning, which is move, is the most important part. So for those of you guys that are tuning in live, let me know what is coming up for you right now. Let me know what thoughts you have. And also, if you guys are watching this on the replay on mighty networks, then leave me a message in the comments and I will get back to it. And this conversation of integration is, it's really about just so funny. Daily, imperfect action. I say it's so funny because that's like a term that I coined when I was going through my own beginning of my entrepreneurship journey. But as I was coaching entrepreneurs in my previous company, that's what I really focused on, was daily and perfect action, because that's what it's about, is it's about disciplining. You're human enough to have daily and perfect action in that thing that you're moving towards. Like I said, if I go back to the past lives, a lot of people are into getting their past lives right to them or understanding about the Akashic record, which is really great. But if you're not disciplining, like I said, that human to look into those things every day or to ground yourself every day, that your existence goes into those experiences, which I'll give you example here, if you're not doing those things every day, then you're not activating it. And so if you have daily and perfect action in them, what that could look like is, I use myself as an example in my akashic record. I'm very aware that there is a time in place which I was imprisoned way back when, and I was a strong feminine voice when the feminine was in leadership. And I'm talking thousands of years ago, and I was imprisoned because I spoke my truth and I spoke out against the narrative and I was imprisoned. And that is something I've been able to find in my Akashic record. As I progressed in my entrepreneur journey, I constantly found myself in this space, whether it was a constriction feeling in my throat or me not being able to speak how I wanted to speak online or ending up in dream states, feeling like I was in a prison. Like in all of these experiences that were mirroring back to me that I felt like I was trapped, my voice, I was trapped, essentially. So, knowing that I knew that I had made a decision to go into my Akashic record, like many do, to get the wisdom out of it, to understand more of that experience. Every time I had an experience of feeling restricted in my throat or feeling like I was unworthy or feeling like I shouldn't speak my truth. I had to go into a level of awareness for myself and go, but wait a minute here. This was a reading. It resonates with you. It feels true to you. Knowing that, how can I discipline myself in this moment, my human mind, more so in this moment, to go, no, you are here to do this. This is your truth. You can speak this. You are allowed. It is okay. That's me having daily imperfect action on integrating what I was learning, which was I was receiving wisdom out of the akashic, right? Again, I was receiving wisdom out of my ayahuasca experience. But you received the wisdom out of it. And then in the moment, in the present moment of your day to day, how are you using what you won't know? How are you integrating what you know? I'm integrating that. I knew, you know, that's what my past life has set me up for in this existence, is to be able to transcend this aspect of myself. And so I needed to have that awareness to then ground myself in this present moment, to integrate it and know it's okay. And this is what I'm here to move through, and I'm aware of it, and this is part of my energy field and my akashic, and then it allows me to move through it. So that's a perfect example of, if you're going to spend your time in those sessions, which are very valuable, don't just have them and receive the information and do nothing with them, show up daily in perfect action with the human to integrate what you're learning. Right? Because if I didn't do that with this one specific example, what that would look like for me is I would still be sitting in doubt and unworthiness, and I would be like, I can't speak. I can't share that. What are people going to think? People are going to judge me, all of these low vibe limitations and things? But I didn't go there because I integrated what I learned, which was, I learned this was true to me. Therefore, in the moment, it feels true to me. I ground my human and go, no, that's not my truth. So then I can now move a different direction in my human right, integrating what I'm learning. But if I wasn't integrating what I was learning, then it would look like exactly that, like in fear mode and paralysis and not integrating what I was learning, which is that that's my truth. So it's so important, like I keep saying in this spiritual conversation to not just go into these tools and modalities, just to, you know, feel like you're being more spiritual or conscious. Yes, they're opening the doorway, but like now that you're in the doorway, there's a whole new room and arena in which you need to discover and uncovered a and this is one of them, you know, not being mute and numb to what it is that you're receiving in these experiences that you're engaging in, that are delivering information that you're being asked to integrate, like out of breath works, meditation, ayahuasca's retreats, all of these wonderful things that we are engaging in. All right, that's what I got for you guys on today's podcast. Really grateful that we were able to connect here today. For those of you guys that are here at the spiritual memberships on mighty networks, I am live today again at 04:00 in the Chakra room. And I'm really excited about this one today because we're actually going to go through a chakra meditation, and I'm also going to probably show you a diagram on the chakras and how those emotions look in our bodies and how they are linked to the certain emotions that we're feeling. So that's going to be at 04:00 in the Chakra room. And then I'm live again on Thursday at 09:00 a.m. pacific Standard Time. I think I'm in the reflection room today. I'm not really sure, to be honest with you or this week. So that is what we have going on this week. And if you are not a member of the spiritual Room memberships on mighty networks, then you can go ahead and click that link in the show notes and join us in here where I'm live every Tuesdays and Thursdays for the podcast and our weekly live streams. Thanks for joining me for today's show. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day wherever you are in the world. And if you're tuning in live, stick around. Namaste. Peace and love. [00:24:14] Speaker B: If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support the podcast, please share it with others, post about it on social media, or leave a rating and review to catch all the latest from from us. You can follow us on Instagram at thespiritualroom co. And on the blog at thespiritualroom co. Blog. Thanks again and we'll see you next time.

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